“” Opening Day Sale: PULSE Throw Workload Monitor - Driveline Baseball

Opening Day Sale: PULSE Throw Workload Monitor

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$199.00 $169.15


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Stop guessing how much your pitchers are throwing.

People think they know when and how much their players throw. But we’ve found time and again they don’t.

Between bullpens, side work, shagging, and “hey, let me get one more” – you’ve got a lot of extra throws that your throwing program maybe doesn’t account for.

PULSE can.


I was able to get more innings out of my starters, my best pitchers, without overtaxing them. They had better performance and more importantly, we avoided major arm injuries all season long, into the playoffs.” 

-Bryan Conger, Head Baseball Coach, Tarleton State University (’08-’19)

How a DII Coach used PULSE to Help Lead his Team Deep in the Playoffs

Why should you use PULSE?

Your throwing program exists to keep your pitchers’ arms healthy and performing their best on game day.

The problem: most pitchers drastically underestimate their actual throw counts (what about warmups, long toss, etc?) and the intensity with which they’re throwing, especially on recovery days.

Which means they aren’t really executing your throwing program at all.

PULSE measures all throws to tell you if your pitchers are throwing too much or too little, too hard or not hard enough. PULSE improves athletes’ execution of their training programs and keeps them on track with their player development plan. PULSE replaces ambiguous guidelines with clear and repeatable instructions, improving pitcher’s processes and overall training results.

Driveline trains 1000+ pitchers a year with a time-tested and validated pitching development program. Thanks to PULSE, our athletes are held to a measurable standard of execution to maximize their pitching development. Whether they are in-season or off,  on-site or remote, we know exactly who is getting the most out of their workout program–and who needs extra attention.

PULSE allows us to improve our training program and ensure its execution with extreme precision.

This package contains:

  • 1 PULSE sensor
  • 1 strap
  • 1 USB charging cable
  • Download links to the free PULSE Throw app
  • Links to educational content to get you started
  • REQUIRES AN APPLE iOS DEVICE — Android devices NOT supported at this time

Compression sleeves are available for purchase here as an alternative for the strap that is included for attaching the sensor.

Additional information

Weight 7 oz


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