“” Opening Day Sale: Basics of Pitch Design - Driveline Baseball

Opening Day Sale: Basics of Pitch Design

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$499.00 $424.15


Opening Day Sale: Take 15% Off!

This course contains 28 videos teaching the in’s and out’s of identifying and teaching new pitches.

  • Learn the basics of pitch tracking technology and the terms used to describe movement
  • See how coaches can classify different movement profiles and make common adjustments that we recommend in gym
  • All of our insight is backed by years of testing and utilizing technology in pitch design

Recent advances in technology have greatly changed the pitching landscape. While the technology has shown great promise, it can also be overwhelming. There are new terms, ideas, and context to learn before a coach can truly know how to get the most out of pitch tracking technology.

More than ever, players are looking for coaches who can utilize this technology to help them improve. But players and coaches today don’t need more information—they need to know the right context for what they’re seeing and to learn a system for making decisions.

This course will teach you the basics of the terms, technology, common adjustments, and decision making system that Driveline Baseball uses with our pitchers. We show how mechanics are intertwined with pitch changes and how even very small changes can make huge differences in pitch quality. We teach you our system for making decisions and thinking like a Driveline trainer, using the same course that we use internally.

Course Details

Driveline’s Basics of Pitch Design course is entirely online and self-paced.

Certifications are good for the life of the course. No coach is considered certified until they have completed the final quiz of the course.

Each video is followed by a short quiz. Coaches must score 80% or higher on the quiz to move on to the next section.

Upon completion of the course, coaches will be considered certified. We do not give permission to individuals or programs to represent themselves as “Driveline”, but instructors may represent themselves as “Driveline-certified” or a variant that is appropriate.

Coaches who pass will not be listed as certified on Driveline’s website, but we may confirm completion upon request.

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