“” Driveline Baseball Podcast- EP. 16 Featuring Jeff Passan - Driveline Baseball

Driveline Baseball Podcast- EP. 16 Featuring Jeff Passan

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Reading Time: 1 minute

Jeff Passan: ESPN Baseball Columnist

Jeff Passan– (@JeffPassan on Twitter) is a baseball columnist with ESPN after a 13 year stint with Yahoo Sports, and author of New York Times Bestseller The Arm: Inside the Billion-Dollar Mystery of the Most Valuable Commodity in Sports.

Jeff joins Mike and Kyle to discuss the process of creating “The Arm” and the journey he went through writing the New York Times Bestselling book. Jeff also goes into some of the hottest topics around the game including MLB’s fame problem and not connecting with the younger audience, what Kyler Murray choosing football over baseball means for multisport talents moving forward and the impact of this year’s free agency.

To view more of Jeff’s work click here

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