“” Introducing DrivelinePLUS - Driveline Baseball

Introducing DrivelinePLUS

| Blog Article
Reading Time: 3 minutes

PLUS is an opportunity for baseball coaches and player to further their information edge and make their budget stretch further.

With PLUS, we want to lower the cost of player development for our hungriest coaches and players.

So what is DrivelinePLUS?

Casually, We’ve described it to people as Netflix for baseball player development meets Costco for baseball player development.

It’s a single annual membership whose primary benefits are an inside, in-depth look at how we think about player development topics and low prices on high-quality development goods.

Why does DrivelinePLUS exist?

If you’re a college, high school or youth coach who is using Driveline concepts, you’re looking for an edge. Whether it’s keeping your best players on the field more often or helping your players get as good as possible, that’s what we think Driveline provides for coaches–an edge.

PLUS is a way to continue to reward the hungriest coaches by driving down their player development costs and giving them even deeper, more actionable information on a range of player development topics.

These are scaled by level and expertise as well.

We commonly hear “if I only had a lab like that, I’d love to work on pitch design with our guys”. PLUS can help you get that done on a high school or small college budget.

Additionally, there is some information that is not well-suited to a blog post. These are the practical and tactical day-to-day things that form the basis of training new employees here that coaches can really benefit from.

PLUS gives us the opportunity to really get into the weeds.

What are people saying about PLUS?

The outpouring from the baseball community has been very positive.

The bulk of Driveline’s trainers’ and executives’ time in 2018 was spent shooting videos and getting the site ready. We will be continuing to release five new videos every week.

PLUS videos Cover a Range of Player Development Topics

PLUS Product – High Quality, Low Price

PLUS members get the lowest prices on our flagship line of products:

And we have a brand-new line of products for PLUS members only.

We have more items in the works for PLUS members.

We hope you’ll join us.

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