“” Driveline Baseball Podcast- EP. 17 - Driveline Baseball

Driveline Baseball Podcast- EP. 17

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Driveline Baseball Podcast Episode 17

Driveline Baseball Podcast Episode 17: On this episode of the Driveline Baseball Podcast Mike and Kyle recap the recent trip our staff took to Utah State to work with Barton Smith (@NotRealCertain on Twitter) to do some research on fastball movement. To learn more about the experiment click here to read our blog post we wrote about the trip or check out Barton’s blog here. Joining Kyle and Mike this episode is Driveline Pitching Coordinator Eric Jagers who specializes in pitch design. Eric breaks down the process of preparing our pro clients for Driveline scout day as well as giving insight on adapting the technology we use to evaluate a pitchers arsenal and develop new pitches.

Eric Jagers: (@ericjagers on Twitter) Eric has been a Pitching Coordinator/Floor Trainer for the past year at Driveline. Over the last year Eric has worked hard on improving our pitch design process and works closely with our pro clients on developing new pitches and improving total arsenals. Eric is constantly pushing the envelope on what can happen during a pitch design and shares great information on his twitter and DrivelinePlus. Make sure and follow Eric on Twitter to stay up to date on all things pitch design related

Check out some of Eric’s work here

Episode Resources:

Letters From twitter discussion: 

Related Pitch Design Articles: A Deeper Dive into Fastball Spin Rate, How do we generate spin,

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