“” Open House and Velocity Development On-Ramping: Sunday, August 4th, 2013 - 11 AM - Driveline Baseball

Open House and Velocity Development On-Ramping: Sunday, August 4th, 2013 – 11 AM

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On Sunday, August 4th at 11 AM at our facility in SeaTac, WA, we will be hosting the first open house for our Elite Velocity Development training group this off-season. Current and prospective clients alike are highly encouraged to attend as we will review our philosophy for the 2013-2014 off-season training period, in addition to recapping the 2012-2013 year and what awesome things we have in store for the year ahead.

Please contact Kyle Boddy at [email protected] to reserve your spot today. Admission is free and the talk will last about an hour with a brief hands-on period, with time after to discuss enrollment options. Since we have multiple new committed athletes attending this session, a lengthy Q&A will not be available. Please schedule a one-on-one meeting if you are interested in coming by our facility to discuss options.

Since spots in our Elite Velocity Development training series is likely to sell out this year, we encourage you to get in touch ASAP. Thank you!

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