“” Video: Fun with a New Training Toy - Driveline Baseball

Video: Fun with a New Training Toy

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Reading Time: 1 minute

I’ve wanted a weight sled for some time now, but couldn’t pull the trigger on the expensive ones available on the Internet. The shipping cost is just way too prohibitive. I’ve also wanted some plate holders that snap directly into my power cage, but NY Barbell was sold out of them and would be for months. Total bummer. A friend of mine recommended that I contact some local metal fabrication places to get plate holders done, and I figured “Why not see if someone can clone a weight sled for me?”

I called around, and a week later, I have two plate holders that double as dip bars and a push/pull weight sled to play around with. Here’s my first experience with it – pushing 115 pounds (sled weight: 135 pounds) about 35 yards on wet grass in cross-training shoes.


Really looking forward to making this a permanent fixture in our metabolic conditioning workouts. Now, to manufacture some straps…

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