“” "What's a good workout, Kyle?" - Driveline Baseball

"What's a good workout, Kyle?"

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

I get this question from various people at least every other day in my email inbox or through private messages on the various baseball sites that I frequent. The problem is that there’s no one stock answer! People from all age ranges – fathers, high school kids, older athletes who want to play adult league ball again – are seeking the holy grail of workouts and want me to give it to them. Oh yeah, and for free, of course. I certainly don’t mind giving out some information for free and will publish plenty of stuff on my blog (and messageboards) to further the education of baseball-specific exercise science, but come on!

What bothers me isn’t the monetary aspect of it at all – it’s the lack of commitment that often comes with getting free advice. In the past, when people emailed me asking for a free workout, I put some time into it and developed a decent plan based on what they told me about their goals and their deficits. The overwhelming majority of the time when I checked back in, the person said “Oh, that was too hard” or “I kinda fell off the wagon.” So no more free workout plans for most people. When you pay someone money or actually visit them in person, you’re way more likely to take that advice seriously and actually do the work.

Running Driveline Baseball, Inc. is not a primary money-maker for me. I do it because I love coaching and training athletes of all ages, and what really satisfies me is a strong commitment from a youth athlete who wants to throw harder, hit for more power, and injury-proof his arm – and is dying to get into my gym or the batting cage to put in the hard work. And if you’re an athlete who isn’t willing to put in the work, I’m not interested in working with you. End of story. Scouts and coaches probably aren’t interested in you either. It’s hard as hell to get in the gym every Monday/Wednesday/Friday, throw your bullpen on Sunday, and do your tubing and wrist weight work on Tuesday/Thursday. It’s way easier to play Xbox 360 and eat pizza. It’s not easy to drink a gallon of milk a day, but a lot of scrawny high school athletes need to do it to gain weight and make progress in the weight room.

But you know what else isn’t easy? Striking out hitters who are 6’1″ 225 lbs. and have been squatting since November and can put 450 lbs. on their back and handle it explosively. It’s not easy to break up a double play when the shortstop is 195 lbs. of chiseled muscle and has been taking 200 ground balls a week since the end of last season. It’s not easy to hit an 88 mph fastball followed up by a devastating 72 mph curveball perfectly spotted on the outside corner – right where the pitcher has wanted to locate that pitch since he first started working on it 6 months ago.

Baseball’s not easy. But then again, not much in life that is worth doing is easy.

Here’s a free tip on what you absolutely have to do in your workout:


If you aren’t doing some sort of squatting pattern in your workouts, just stop working out entirely. It’s not worth it.

If you want to work hard in order to throw harder, last longer in the game, and injury-proof your arm, then contact me and we’ll get it done. But if you want an easy workout where you pull tubes twice a week and run a mile on Sundays, forget it. We do real work here.

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